Abandoned Carts

Understanding How Abandoned Carts Work

About This Course

The video covers the abandoned cart feature in the TripWorks dashboard, which allows businesses to recover potential sales from customers who started but did not complete a booking. It explains how to set up and customize abandoned cart email and SMS templates, view abandoned cart details, track conversion rates, and gain insights into customer behavior during the booking process. The video highlights the revenue opportunities from abandoned carts and provides a walkthrough of the relevant features and reports in the TripWorks platform.


Now that you know a little bit more about abandoned carts and the potential opportunities, let's dive into some of the settings and what this looks like to you and your customers inside your TripWorks dashboard.

Your TripWorks account comes with three pre-built templates for abandoned carts. Right now we're looking at the message template library where you can see at the top there's an abandoned cart email number one, two, and three.

You can click into any one of these existing email templates to adjust the copy, enable SMS, and more. Or if you'd like, you can simply create a new email template. If you select one of the message templates, it will bring you over to the template editor.

Simply scroll down, adjust the copy, enable SMS delivery, and type in the text message copy that you'd like to send to your customers. When you're finished with your changes, just remember to hit save.

Let's take a look at what an abandoned cart looks like through your website. Looking at this demo website, let's pretend your customer is interested in one of your activities. They'll select your book now button, which will pull up your booking widget.

Let's say your customer was interested in your hiking activity. They might browse through the calendar, select a date, select their amount of tickets, and then a time. On the next page, they'll fill out their information.

Once the customer has entered their details and they select add to cart, this is where we capture the data for you. So if Cindy decides she's no longer interested or whatever the reason is and she exes out of the booking widget, we've already captured that data on the back end for you.

Looking at your tripworx dashboard under the sales tab, this will display all of your reserved bookings as well as those abandoned carts. If we look at the first line item here under Cindy, this is the abandoned cart test.

we just did through the website. We'll know it's an abandoned cart because the text will be gray and there will be a clock icon to the left indicating that the trip is in draft. We can open Cindy's abandoned cart to view the details of her reservation.

For example, we can see she was interested in the hiking activity for July 4th. If we scroll down and we look on the left side under passenger info, here we can see all of Cindy's details. We have her name, her email, and her phone number.

This information is helpful because it does give you the opportunity to reach out to the customer directly if you wanted. But what about our automations? If we look inside the trip under the messages tab, we'll see the number six here indicating that there are six messages that are either sent or have been queued to send to this customer.

Opening this tab, we can see our abandoned car emails and text messages on its way to Sydney. We can expand any one of these messages just to view the information within. For example, Cindy was sent the We Guarantee You'll Love Us email and there is a call to action button here that she'll receive and hopefully click to complete her purchase.

If you scroll down further in the email queue, you'll see the exact date and time in which the email is set to be sent to the customer. Lastly, we do provide additional insights. Inside the trip, you can select the More tab.

For example, you can see the number of booking clicks or the number of clicks that your customer took during the checkout process. You'll also see the number of page views. You'll see their location, IP address, the type of operating system they're on, as well as the landing page or the first page that your customer visited on your website.

This information may provide insights on where your customers may be getting stuck during checkout. It'll also let you know where your customers are coming from. In addition to being able to view your abandoned carts under your Sales tab, how can we track how well your abandoned cart messaging is working and how many customers are actually converting?

Head over to your Sales Conversions report. We break down all of this data for you. Your Sales Conversions report will display all of the abandoned carts that have come through on your account. You can even track how much additional revenue your abandoned carts are bringing your business.

Once again, abandoned carts are a great way for you to boost your sales. Keep watching to learn more about how to set up your abandoned carts and how to dive deeper into your conversions.