How to Set Up Experiences on TripWorks

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Learn how to set up products and experiences in your TripWorks account. This video guides you through the process of adding tours, activities, and experiences to your activity catalog.


Once you're logged into your TripWorks account, you'll want to start setting up your products inside your catalog, specifically the experiences, tours, activities that you'd like to offer. To do so from your dashboard in the upper right hand corner, you're going to select the gear icon.

This will bring you to the full setup and configuration menu inside your account. From here, on the second block under activity catalog, you can select the first option. This will bring you over to a list of all of your tours and activities.

If you don't have any here yet, this will be blank. We're just in a demo account. You can go ahead and click create in the upper right corner to start adding a new product. From here, you have a couple options where you can select a ticket, tour, rental, and then we do have some examples down here where you can select something that aligns with your business.

For example, if you're a ballooning company, you can select hot air balloon ride. And what this will do is it will just give you some examples and images and some content to help get you started. So we'll go ahead and select this as our example.

And this will bring us over to a page where we can start typing in our tour name. And adding in some detail. As you can see on the right hand side, I start typing over here. It's giving me a preview of everything so that I can see what my booking widget would look like.

The overview text is just a simple text to display on your booking widget. This can be come have fun with us, enjoy the ride, enjoy a morning sunset balloon ride, things like that. The departure point is just where the tour is departing from.

You can also add a longer description. This is usually what to expect during the flight. And maybe what to bring or what but not to bring, but you can make this description a little bit longer. And then lastly, at the bottom here, you can select the duration of the trip.

And then we'll go ahead and click next, and this will move us on to the next step of creating our tour here. So as you can see, it defaults to two different ticket type options. We have adult and child.

If you don't want to offer one, you can just click the X button to remove it, or you can click the plus button to add more options. In this case, we can change it to passenger. And then we can add a little description text.

Commonly, people will put ages 13 plus, or price per person, things like that. Once completed, go ahead and click the next button. On the next page, you'll be presented with options for capacity. So unlimited just means there's no capacity.

It doesn't matter how many people purchase tickets. Cap per time slot means if you have multiple time slots during the day, how many people can book each time slot? Cap per ticket type is similar. If you have multiple ticket types, let's say we did stick with adult child, we can cap each ticket type.

So maybe you allow 10 adults and then only five children per time slot. This just gives you some flexibility based on your ticket types. And lastly, we have by resources. This will be part of a separate video, but if you do need help setting up resources and configuring them on your account, we do recommend reaching out to our support team or setting up a phone call with one of our platform experts so that they can screen share and walk you through how to get this set up.

In this example, we'll just leave it at cap per time slot and then we'll select next. Lastly, our availabilities. So we have the option here to select which day or days we would like to offer our flight.

If it's every day, this will create availabilities Monday through Friday. If it's a single day, we can choose one date to create availabilities on or maybe it's during certain days of the week. If we want to offer it on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we can just get rid of those additional days.

Our starting date will always default to today's date and then our ending date, you can push it out until the end of the year, maybe until the end of next year, or whatever your desired end date is. And then the time.

What time should this flight be available? If it's just a single time, you can enter in the time here and then leave repeat to never. So what this will do is it will create times at 6 a .m starting today and ending on January 31st until 2025.

If you have time slots that should repeat, for example, if you want to offer time starting at 6 o 'clock in the morning and repeating every hour until 4, this would add time slots at 6, 7, 8, 9, all day.

way until 4pm. You also have the ability to have them repeat more frequently or less frequently if you'd like. In this example we'll just leave it at never. Let's just say this tour only operates once a day at 6am.

Then we'll go ahead and click next and then you have the option to keep this tour in draft which means maybe you're still working on it. You can keep this as a private option which means that you as a logged in team member can book the experience but customers can't see our book it online through your booking widget.

Or we can set it to live which means everybody can book the experience. Then you'll click finish and then it will confirm that you're all set and your experience was created. So we can close and then now we can see our experience here balloon tour morning.

So, if we click into that, we can be presented with a very similar editor to what we were just seeing. The only difference is the options are here on the left side. There's a little more options to go in and edit, but the descriptions we've added, if there's any policies that we need to add, we can add all of that here.

If you have any questions on this, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. We're happy to help!